Nothing beets fresh produce from the garden (pun intended). We love eating beets. Did you know you can eat the leaves? The reason why we’ve discovered the leaves is by chance. Some years ago we were out of spinach and we needed a substitute for a Vietnamese summer roll which essentially is a meat salad wrap. Well, I went to the backyard and searched through my vegetable garden to see what I can use as a spinach substitute. I decided to try the deep red and purple leaves. Lo and behold, it was delicious. So ever since then, we’ve been eating the beet leaves. We use it in our salads and dishes. The flavour is more earthy and also some of the red colouring will temporarily stain your hands.
Beetroot leaves are rich in Vitamin K, copper, manganese, iron and calcium. They are also great for maintaining a healthy weight, as they contain zero saturated fat and cholesterol.
Tip: For a natural approach, use beets as a food colouring substitute.
Have you tried beet leaves before?